Thursday, October 28, 2010

Meet in My Dreams

I just had a dream about Ryan. I'm pretty sure this was the first one so I need to write it down before I forget.

In my dream, everyone had already heard the news. We were all up at the cabin together, for New Years Eve.

First I walked by a bedroom and saw Ryan laying in bed and Nana with him, just crying and crying, holding him. She was holding and kissing his face. Nana left and I noticed he was breathing! I even heard him snoring a little (hahA). I ran down to tell my Mom that he was actually alive... and snoring!

Then he was downstairs out on the sun porch, laying on the couch. I was hugging and hugging him. When I hugged him for the first time, I just started crying so hard. I knew that he knew how sad I was we lost him by how hard I was crying, and he hugged me tighter.

All I remember next was him getting up off the couch first to help me up. He stood over me, lifting me off the couch, and told me to do some sit ups!!! Hahaha :) I guess that's when my alarm went off.

It was very nice to see him!

Now, onto reality.

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