Saturday, October 23, 2010


Last night I was sitting at my desk checking email and browsing on facebook before bed when my headband flew off my head onto the floor. I had to laugh because that's never happened to me before and I wondered why it did; then I smiled.
When I got into bed I turned my radio on because complete silence can do a number on my imagination. Before I turned it on I just asked Ryan to make it a good one... and "If I Die Young" came on, which is our song for Ryan now. I smiled again and fell right asleep.

And wow, as I'm sitting here typing guess what song just came on? I have goosebumps. Ryan is here with me. I wonder if he's tired from running back and forth from PA to MD? You can call it a coincidence... I'll call it a special visit. =)

I just found out that the band "Band Perry" who sings that song is a girl and her two brothers, so that makes it even more special.

Missing him

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