Sunday, October 31, 2010

Anna's Last Letter to Ryan

Ryan Matthew,

Throughout the years you have given me the most memorable moments of my life. From dancing in the Steamtown mall parking deck to the song “time of my life” to the births of our two beautiful daughters, those moments were made possible because of you!

You have taught me to believe in myself, stand up for what I believe in, not care what other people think, and you’ve made me stronger than I ever knew I could be.

We had our highs and lows, ups and downs, laughs and cries, but through it all we always stuck by each other. We shared a deep love that only some dream of having.

You always found a way to make me laugh, whether it be a cute dance, funny joke, or saying something embarrassing in front of a crowd of people. You always found a way to put a smile on my face.

In one year (51 weeks to be exact), we were blessed with two miracles of life, our daughters Jewelana Rhian and Lydia Grace, both of which look just like you, especially Jewelana. You were her best bud. Every time she saw you, her eyes lit up like kaleidoscopes. And Lydia, although she didn’t get to spend as much time with you, will never question who her daddy really was because I will ensure her that you were loving, caring, generous, adventurous, affectionate, and spontaneous.

I hope you always know that the babies and I love you very much and will be thinking of you often. We know that although you are no longer physically here, your spirit remains and you will continue to love and watch over us. Until our family is together again in heaven, thank you, Ryan Matthew, for truly giving me the time of my life.

Love always,


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