Monday, November 8, 2010

Man I Love Life

Ryan wrote this back in 2007. He tried his best to look for the little things in life to keeep him going and he did a pretty good job of it.

"Man I love life! Really I do and even with as much drama, hard times, and endless struggles that I seem to face day to day, the simplest things remind me of how wonderful life is. I’ve recently heard this song “I Try” many times. I love music and this song is why. It’s deep and every time I hear it, I get chills because I can relate. I love the way a song or so many little things in life can make me feel so alive. So today and every day may be far from perfect but all the little wonderful things, from music, family, and good friends, the way the sky looks as the sun sets, and so much more remind me why life is such a wonderful and beautiful thing…"

By Ryan M Jasper
May 2007

Don't overlook the small stuff... sometimes it's the best stuff.

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