Thursday, November 4, 2010

Come With Me

I found this letter I sent to Ryan in 2007. I was trying to convince him to move down to Maryland with me to have a fresh start. It's kinda cute :)

November 11, 2007
So nice to talk to you today! Thanks for listening about the boy. I think it would be awesome if you would move here. We could get a place together and I would be able to show you all around, introduce you to completely different people. I think you need to get away from the caliber of people that you were with before because

1) look where it got you
2) you’ve been away from everyone so long (not many had rap) so what’s a little more time?
3) It’s a nice place to be on your own
4) It’s close enough to home that you can go home once in a while
5) I’m HERE!
6) It would give you the opportunity to have that “young lifestyle” still – that may not be as accepted in the Port.
7) A fresh start!
8) It’s by the bay!
9) The Naval Academy is here… the Navy has a good football team
10) It’s close to Baltimore – tons of fun!
11) Your rent would be cheaper if you split it with me
12) My gym membership gets reduced if I recruit someone to join!
13) We could buy a boat!

Glad I got a laugh out of ya on the phone. Hey it’s Sunday night so you’ll get this Wednesday I believe… hope you are having a great HUMP day!

I’m coming home Tues or Wed (20th) so how about a visit Saturday the 24th? Let me know. LOVE YOU! Xoxo – Lynds

I always tried to get Ryan on the right path, heading in the right direction. At times my efforts were fruitless, but other times, I would speak and Ryan would really hear me.... really understand what I was saying. Not everyone had that ability with Ryan but I think we were just on the same page and he just got it.

I remember the night he came down to move me from my house in Annapolis to my house in Fed Hill.... we all crashed at my place. Mom and Darrin got a hotel and Bud slept on the couch. Ryan stayed with me in my room. He snored all night!! Like a big baby.

Off to sleep.... I am desperate for it.
Lil Sis

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