Sunday, October 24, 2010

Ryan's Shout Outs in 2007

Thursday, September 13, 2007
Shout Outs!

A few of my relationships have fallen apart and others have grown only stronger...

Shout out to my baby sister Lyndsay! I am soo proud of you Sis! We've only become so much closer and I'm lucky to have such a cool sister. Must be she takes after her big bro :) I'm proud of all you've done in college and now being out on your own. I can't thank you enough for all you've done and being someone I can always count on and talk to. I love you, Sis!

Shout out to Mom-Dukes! My Mom is the best... she has been my support system, my best friend, and has helped me to always look at the good in things and always push for the bestter in my life. Thank you for everything, Mom. I'm the person I am today much because of the things you taught me, all the good stuff anyway :)

Shout out to my Dad for never being easy on me and making me the strong person I am today.
My Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, stepfather, and the whole family. I love and miss everyone and thank you for all of your love!

To all my real friends: MUCH LOVE! Thanks to Troy Winner and Yancy Cupp - you guys are my true bros. Shout outs to Cat B., Ashley M., Pat H., Ally W., Nicki J., Greg G., Jon R., Bobby N., Eric S., Bud W., Brad S., Corey G., Cory & Jay Kilheeney, Melissa S., Steph S., and all my other friends.

Also shout out to my homies on lockdown: Joe J. up at Houtzdale, Chris Hanson, Josh Sheeler, and Griff at Retreat... stay up Bros!

Big shout out to my old celly Steve Morse, who's home now!

RIP Matt Kratz, Lance R., and Mark S. Always remember our fallen brothers.

Amber, I miss you and wish you the best. You've always been one of my best friends. Through thick and thin, ups and downs, no distance or time can erase the history we have. Ladies is Pimps, too. Smile! :]

Shout out to everyone else who's been ride-n with The Kid! You know who you are... never forgotten, much love!

To all those cats who act like they forgot about The Kid, hey... your loss. I'll be home soon shine-n as always. So don't walk up to me like you didn't know where I was. I got no rap. Ya'll know The Kids been on lockdown, you've got my address, so holla at ya boy! Cats talking about they busy - I can understand that but are you telling me over 4 years go by and you've got no time to drop the kid a few lines? Ya'll sure had time to always be at my house every weekend.

When will it stop hurting? The more I find, the more it hurts.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lyndsay, I am thankful that you are posting these things, because it will keep Ryan alive in our hearts always. Thank you, and hang in there, we will never get OVER this, but we will get THROUGH this ! Love you, MOM