Monday, December 17, 2012

Enough is enough

In light of the events that have occurred over the past few days, I felt the urge to write. There are specific times when I feel the need to write and vent and typically it’s when I feel my thoughts and emotions spiraling out of control a little bit and I need some sort of release. That is when I turn here.

This horrific event has impacted and will continue to impact many people in many different ways. For me, it stirs up some memories and feelings and concerns. It really hit home as I sat and watched all of these news reports. It is easy to point the finger of blame at guns but anyone with half a brain knows that it is the person behind the gun that is at fault. Sometimes even hearing or saying that word makes me sick to my stomach. Hearing that it was a suicide makes it even more sickening, but the sickest part of all was those innocent lives taken. So young and so much life ahead, which makes it that much more heart-wrenching.

I pray more than anything that despite all this, people do not let this harden their hearts, myself included. In times of darkness such as this, we need to strive every day to look for the light. Look for all the good that still exists because if you focus only on the tragedies and devastations, that is all you will see.
It is unfortunate that it took a tragic and heartless event such as this to make some changes in this country but it must be done and it must be done now. Yes , we need increased security, but not just gun control. More guns, not less, is not the solution. We need to do everything in our power to eliminate placing violent weapons in the hands of people who are mentally ill. We need to do whatever it takes to ensure these tragedies won’t happen again. We need more mental health resources, especially in schools, and easier access to mental help. We need to teach people how to identify signs, as some people are guilty of being ignorant of the clues, signs, and symptoms. You can’t always point the finger of blame at the parents or the family members and I say that from experience. Mental illness might be becoming more prevalent in society today but not everyone can identify the behaviors or diagnose.

It’s helpful to know that people all around the world are grieving for these people so that they don’t have to go through it alone. This tragedy is something that the families will not get over but something they will all get through. Continue to pray for those mourning, pray for our country, pray for our countries leaders, pray for those with mental illnesses and the people around them so that they may help identify the illnesses. Pray for yourself, that you won’t let this harden your heart or instill you with fear. But most of all, pray for the change that this country needs to see, now, so that an event like this will never strike our country again.
With the holidays coming, I know times will be difficult. I know what it’s like to lose someone I love. But I know what kind of person he was and I know that my angel above will take each of those 20 kids in his arms and hug them and watch over them. Until we can all join them again.

This holiday season, hug and hold close to the ones you love and care about. There are some people in the world who would do ANYTHING for just one more hug…

Lil Sis