Sunday, June 29, 2008

contacts with no solut!on

I left my contacts in overnight last night. Someone once told me that this can cause blindness. I wonder if that's true. No really; it's a question I'll ponder forever. It might just take me going blind to figure out the answer. Either that or a plunger. . . to remove my contacts from my red, swollen eyes after a month of stubborness and curiosity. Wow, I can't believe this was my first blog post, ever.

Ya know, there is something to be said about eyes. For such small parts, they play such a fascinating and vital role. Powerful balls of vile jelly; do they reveal the truth, or just disguise it? It's been said that the eyes are the window to the soul, but what if the person looking through these said pair of eyes has clouded vision?

No answer for you, folks. My advice? A quote by Audrey Hepburn -- "For gorgeous eyes, seek out the good in people." Eye know eye try to.

Spectacles and Solution,
